Training Progress

By amymcelroy
Posted: September 12, 2021
Category: News
By amymcelroy
Posted: September 12, 2021
We have received a Member’s Confidential Evaluation Form from a Federation member commending you on your officiating at the (327388-39) Hotter than Blue Blazes competition that took place 8/7/21. While we cannot disclose the name of this member or their exact comments, we can share with you the substance of their comments. This member reported that you were
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Category: Judging Letters
By amymcelroy
Posted: September 12, 2021
We have received a Member’s Confidential Evaluation Form from a Federation member commending you on your officiating at the ((327389) MAJESTIC FARM HOTTER THAN BLUE BLAZES II) competition that took place 8/8/21. While we cannot disclose the name of this member or their exact comments, we can share with you the substance of their comments. This member reported
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Category: Judging Letters
By amymcelroy
Posted: September 12, 2021
Dear Amy,I was at a dressage show recently and I heard the announcer congratulating one competitor for earning her Bronze medal, and then another one for earning her Silver medal. I am interested in learning more about these awards. What classes do I need to sign up for to be eligible? Is it the same
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Category: Ask the Judge